Rhizocybe species
A species whose identification I am not sure of. Fungi with gills, and stipe growing on wood seem to be uncommon All seem to be in the Panellus genus
Common name: None
Found: Native forest
Substrate: Growing from wood.
Spore: ?
Height: 50 mm
Width: 60 mm
Season: Autumn
Edible: No
Macro images:
Rhizocybe species
Scale bar
Scale= 15 mm.
Rhizocybe species
Scale bar
Scale= 13 mm.
Rhizocybe species
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Scale= 8.5 mm.
Rhizocybe species
Scale bar
Scale= 14 mm.
Rhizocybe species
Scale bar
Scale= 8.5 mm.
Rhizocybe species
Scale bar
Scale= 14 mm.
The Hidden Forest
Forest Fungi