Entoloma hochstetter
(Reich.) Stevenson
This is the iconic blue fungi of New Zealand the species can very from bright blue to a the dull blue to almost gray in colour. Pileus 35-50 mm, broadly conical to conica, edges inturnedl. light blue to dark blue some times fadding at the top. Lamellae adnexed to sub free, concolorous taking on a pinkish hue as spores mature. Stipe 50 to 100 x 3-5 mm, cylindrica attenuateded to the top, concolorous. Odour and Taste not distinctive. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH - light redish brown. HCl - yellowish. Spores pink, 11-15 x 11-14 µm, cuboid. Ecologye: Scattered; saprobic on soil among litter in broadleaved-conifer forests and Nothofagus Forests
Common name: None
Found: Native Forest
Substrate: Forest floor
Spore: Pink
Height: 80 mm
Width: 30 mm
Season: Autumn
Edible: No
Macro images:
Entoloma hochstetteri
Scale bar
Scale= 8.5 mm.
Entoloma hochstetteri
Scale bar
Scale= 10 mm.
Interesting was the size of this one with the cap been nearly 60 mm in diameter.
Entoloma hochstetteri
Scale bar
Scale= 13 mm.
Again the light blue variation that is most often seen in the Auckland region
Entoloma hochstetteri
Scale bar
Scale= 10 mm.
Note the tree fern, this dark blue version is not that common in the Auckland region.
Entoloma hochstetteri
Scale bar
Scale= 10 mm.
In the two places I've seen this dark blue entoloma, it's among tree ferns. I am left wondering if there is a relationship between colour and habitat.
The Hidden Forest
Forest Fungi